A movement for a flourishing
Grand Rapids
We believe in a city where it’s normal for everyone to thrive and prosper.
Join the MovementGrand Rapids Is the Best Place To Live, Raise a Family and Retire
Grand Rapids has 136,000 people facing significant economic challenges
We're on a mission to make the headlines true - for everyone.
Opportunity Marketplace

Explore the recap from our October 2 Opportunity Marketplace.

Explore the recap from our May 1-2 summit.

4000+ surveys and 70+ interviews tell one story:
we can do better.
Additional housing units needed to meet demand create affordability
in Grand Rapids.
Gap in median income
across Grand Rapids neighborhoods
Our region ranks among the worst at sharing financial prosperity.
We Are
Businesses Leaders
Philanthropic Organizations
Community Members
Faith Organizations
Kent County Residents


Opportunity for everyone
We are united by a vision of thriving communities and prosperous people.
You can help make this vision a reality by investing in authentic relationships, getting involved in transformative experiences, and seeking results throughout Grand Rapids.
Get InvolvedYou can help make this vision a reality by investing in authentic relationships, getting involved in transformative experiences, and seeking results throughout Grand Rapids.
Our approach is rooted in relationships and shared
experiences, creating an innovative model for community
impact and transformation. Transformation is inevitable when new relationships lead to new vision, new alignment, deeper communication, shared strategy and collective action.
Join the MovementInvest
It takes broad, significant and long-term alignment, coordination and investment of time, talent and treasure to spark and sustain change.
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